use the term "transits" to mean the positions of the major
planets that are overhead (in the sky) right now and their
relationship to our birth chart.
Transits are very important indicators of the current situation
in which we find ourselves. They can provide insight into
what we are now going through. Here are the dates when the
next major transits for the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto are exact in your chart. Some dates will
have already passed and some are still to come.
Remember, with these large planets transits don't just happen
on the day when they are exact. They cover a wide span of
days, weeks, months, and sometimes years, depending on which
planet is involved. In general, transits of Jupiter take
from several days to a week or two to complete, while those
of Saturn take from two weeks to a month to play themselves
out. With the outer planets, the period of activity is even
longer: transits of Uranus take about two months, Neptune
three or four months, and Pluto takes about a year. Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto move so slowly that the complete transit
experience may take a year or two to complete itself. So
be prepared to work with these situations:
Aug 11, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 52 3m)
07, 2024 2nd Pass R< (Age 52 7m)
03, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 52 11m)
You find that you can really use your mind to make clear
choices and think things through. Career decisions are straightforward
and easy to make. You make your way through ideas, concepts,
and your ability to communicate and express them to others.
Jupiter Sextile Mercury
Aug 31, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 52 3m)
16, 2024 2nd Pass R< (Age 52 6m)
19, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 52 11m)
A bout of philosophy or even a little religion could have
an enormous effect on your career during this time. Lasting
values (whatever you find to be true and lasting) can guide
you now, opening up avenues that have remained blocked.
Jupiter in Ninth House
May 13, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 53 0m)
Things are happening, and your career or path depends upon
your own ambition and drive, which are strong now. Able
to use good common horse-sense, you can feel trends and
make the right moves. A time to get ahead by taking action.
Jupiter Conjunction Mars
May 20, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 53 0m)
You may find yourself more than a little acquisitive, and
your current appreciation for just about everything may
lead you to overspend, indulge too much. You will make career
gains by your ability to sense quality and choose accordingly.
Jupiter Conjunction Venus
Jun 08, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 53 1m)
This could be a difficult situation. Your career and path
to success seem to be running counter to your need for change
and self-growth. Job requirements may stifle your sensitivity,
hold you back from growing. Tread this one with care.
Jupiter Square Pluto
Jun 20, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 53 1m)
Career choices, decisions that should be made, may appear
to go against or challenge your current sense of security
and home environment. The easy way out may not be beneficial
to your health and general well-being. Weigh alternatives
with care.
Jupiter Opposition Moon
Jul 15, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 53 2m)
Possibly a career turning-point that may require some careful
thought and good judgment on your part. The current flow
of events may dictate a path that runs against your best
talents and abilities. Don't sell yourself short. Hang in
Jupiter Opposition Jupiter
Aug 05, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 53 3m)
Everything may be pouring in at once, and it's all good
news. Your career direction gets some encouragement, and
life's problems should find easy solutions. You may benefit
from an older person or one in authority. Life could assume
a dreamlike stance.
Jupiter Sextile Sun
Aug 17, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 53 3m)
Career choices and direction seem to indicate a loss of
freedom and originality on your part. You may feel stifled
and forced to go along if you want to succeed. This could
result in a situation building up to an explosive level.
Tread with care.
Jupiter Square Uranus
Aug 23, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 53 3m)
Your ideas may not agree with the direction your career
is taking. The price of success could mean that ideas and
methods of communication you are happy with get ignored
or set back. You may feel that you cannot communicate your
Jupiter Square Mercury
Mar 27, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 52 10m)
Not an easy period for most of us. Events conspire to work
against our own ambition and drive, bringing obstacles and
slowing progress to a halt. Easy to overdo, strain, and
explode under these aspects, so take it easy. Bide your
Saturn Square Mars
Apr 05, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 52 11m)
A time to really get down to the business of cleaning up
your act, taking care of loose ends, and attending to any
details you have neglected up to now. Health, food, and
physical condition come under scrutiny, and you work to
care for these matters.
Saturn in Sixth House
Apr 08, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 52 11m)
A time to be patient and tread a little lightly when it
comes to indulgence and overextending yourself. Things could
be tight. You may find it hard to appreciate or enjoy very
much just now, and times may find you feeling lonely and
at odds with life.
Saturn Square Venus
Jun 30, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 53 1m)
A time of sudden insights (maybe jolts) into some of the
most sensitive and vulnerable areas of your inner self and
psychology. Breakthroughs regarding inner growth and transformation.
A time during which you reach new levels in understanding
life and death.
Uranus Trine Pluto
Mar 30, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 52 10m)
A time during which you bring imagination and new ideals
to your ambitions and life direction. You could get carried
away and lose sight of the practical, day-to-day realities
in your quest for religious, philosophical, and mystical
Neptune Conjunction Sun
The Elements, Modalities and Angularity
Elements, modalities, and house quadrants. These are all
techniques used by astrologers to gain a general picture
of how a person measures up. How do your planets and houses
total up? Which do you have in abundance, and which do you
lack, if any? Those with high totals show what we can or
must do in life. These are qualities we have. However, most
people are more interested by what they lack or want --
their lowest totals. They tend to study their "wants,"
imitate, and even pretend to have them. The old adage is:
we become what we want (or lack), while we do what we can
(or have to do).
are your totals:
You're concerned with preserving the status quo and are
stable and methodical in your ways of going on. You resist
change and may have trouble getting started, but once on
the move are indomitable. You mistrust that which is new
or untried.
Have Earth
There is an emphasis on communication, expression of ideas,
and the connections between things, places, and people.
What goes on in your mind is the all-important motivation
in your life. You tend towards mental pursuits and admire
Have Air
You may have trouble understanding those who seem emotional
or sentimental, yet your own practicality and factuality
may attract just such types into your life. You may try
to balance your lack of intuitiveness with logic and common
Want Water
Very communicative, flexible, mental, and other-oriented.
Perhaps you can be all things to all people, giving them
what they require. Probably a smooth talker with a quick
wit and ready tongue.
Have Mutable