Card Readings by Phone - Email - Psychic Card Readings


Card readings - card readers - card readings by phone - email,
psychic card readings
- lenormand oracle tarot

Holistic - psychological and spiritual self-help through psychic angels astrology readings and counselling. Inspiration for your body, mind and soul. Guidance Services

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Card Readings

  • You like to get answers to your questions in a card reading?
  • You like to receive an insight into your future?
  • You like to receive spiritual guidance for your life?
  • You like to understand a certain situation in your life?
  • You like to know the reason for a certain person having crossed your path?

    In a psychic reading with me I can provide all of the above and much more to you.
    My readings are always with the aid of cards but you can also choose for me to give you angel messages and/or look at your astrology charts for the answers to your questions as well.

  • So for a psychic reading with cards, my spiritual knowledge, claircognizance, and/or angels, and/or astrology, just book a psychic reading with me by phone or via an encrypted, private, online call or MP3 file, the latter send to you by email.

+ Answers to all of your questions. +

Caring, insightful, helpful, confidential and competent psychic card readings
with angels, astrology, claircognizance (= psychic knowing). Here to assist YOU.

  • In a Psychic Reading TFT will provide you with the answers to your questions. She receives the answers through the cards, the angelic realms, as well as through claircognizance = psychic knowing. This means that TFT will be guided to tell you exactly what is important to you and your questions and your situation - receiving my messages through my thoughts (= claircognizance).
    Thus you can be sure that the things she points out, are 100%
    relevant to you and inspired from above.
  • The main card deck used are the Lenormand cards. But TFT also follows her intuition in using other divination tools like: other card decks (Oracle cards, Angel of Light cards, Archangel cards, Kipper cards, Gypsy Fortune Telling cards, Triangle of Life cards, water crystal cards), also the pendulum.
  • If interested TFT can also have a look at the astrological charts of people involved, to give you an even deeper understanding for your question/person you ask about.

  • TFT's knowledge and experience of various holistic fields of knowledge always comes through as well. It is kind of intertwined in her readings at all times.
    These holistic areas are for example:
    Angels, Karma, Universal Laws,Evolutionary Astrology, Reincarnation, Past Life Insights (i.e. Past Life Therapy without the need for any hypnosis nor regression, as both is not needed!), NDEs, Chakra & Crystal healing, Water Crystals, Meditation, the Moses Code, Energy work, Visualization, working through Grief, direct connections with the Divine, spiritual living, holistic Psychology (= classical & spiritual) & more.
  • Because of all of the above, TFT's answers are always complex, insightful and often touching rather deep levels of the client's being.
    In a reading with TFT you will never just receive a 'yes' / 'no' answer,
    with which you and your situation aren't helped at all.
  • General pointer on conducting readings without seeing the client:

+ You might wonder (though it's more and more known nowadays)
how a psychic reading can be provided without seeing the client?

The answer is: 'Without any problem at all & much more accurately.'

It is a known fact that psychic readings by phone/or audio only online call
are much more accurate than face-to-face readings.
As during a reading where TFT doesn't see the client, there are no distractions and she can therefore focus on her psychic gifts much more accurately.
This means that TFT is not receiving any 'human impressions' of the person's expressions, gestures, outfit, body language etc.

Thus such reading will be better for clients due to the answers being
the real answers to their question/s.

Also, it's proven that not everyone is happy to ask certain questions,
when being seen by the other person, face-to-face so to speak,
so this option works much better for everyone.

+ And the client doesn't need to see the reader either, as during a reading the person needs to relax, concentrate on the questions and their answers only,
rather than focusing on what the reader looks like
or getting distracted by any other visual stimuli.

Remember TimeForTalking is accessing information that you
also have within you already, thus the focus has to lie on your (inner) self.

So only advantages for your reading/consultation:
more accurate, more convenient, cheaper

(as there is never any travelling involved & when choosing
an encrypted, private online call, there won't even be any call charges.)

  • Readings/Consultations by phone: You will call a landline phone number.
  • Readings/Consultations on an encrypted, private online call:
    mean no phone charges for you (no matter where you are located) and sound quality is usually crystal clear. Plus such call can be recorded, for you to keep as an audio/MP3 file.
  • Readings by email: this will be the recording of TFT's voice conducting your live reading, emailed to you as an audio file (MP3) recording.
    For some services, we also offer this by email in a written text format.

For further details on what our card readings offer you exactly,
e.g. what to expect in a reading, what benefits you will have, the procedure on getting an appointment,
the duration, and much more,
please read on below.
Should you have another question have a look at our FAQ answering all your queries.


Whenever you are ready to place your booking, simply go to the shop.


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Please follow this index to guide you to the section of your interest on 'Card Readings':

Back to basics:

comparison table on features:

comparison table on features:


Going back to basics, here you will find out:
What a reading will do for you exactly, and how to receive a reading:

What a card reading will do
for you exactly, i.e. what exact
benefits it will bring you.

  • The invaluable benefit to you will be that TFT is able to assist you acknowledging and overcoming any current obstacle, for you to reach your goals.
  • A reading with her can do the following:
    - it can help * for you to find your direction
    - it can help * for you to choose your best
    behaviour/reaction/action/plan/next steps
    - it can help * for you to find out and understand the indepth of your situation, so you don't waste your time.
    - it can help * for you to be prepared for things today & not after you already wasted your time.


  • This being prepared, can help you in numerous situations:
    Example - work situations / financial situations:
    - it can give you warnings / hints / forecasts
    i) to not loose a job or ii) to get that promotion.
    With i) & ii) saving you hundreds/thousands of pounds.
    Example - emotional situations:
    - it can give you warnings / hints / forecasts
    i) to avoid / cure disappointment, depression, illness
    ii) to act best to alleviate emotional pain
    iii) to find your right and chosen path
    Example - frustrating / difficult situations:
    - it can help you * to regain positivity
    - it can help you * to receive positve reassurance.
  • So you see, this list could go on and on.
    The benefits you'll be having are going to be on
    financial levels, emotional levels, physical levels and
    spiritual levels.

  • Summary:
    You'll benefit on financial, emotional, physical and spiritual levels. For some it's possible to put a monetary figure on it. Most are just going to be priceless for you,
    as it's such a great benefit for you.

What you need to do
to receive the card reading.

  • You will need to make your payment via the shop.
  • By placing your booking in our shop, you will receive a £5 automatic price reduction.

  • Summary:
    To benefit from a reading, you will need to place a booking via the shop & make your payment.

 Place your booking in our shop.


Here now the comparison table of the service features:
**on the reading

by phone

  • 100% interactive
    -as it's a live conversation, you ask your question/s and you can also ask back after my answers of course, should anything not be clear to you, etc.

via an encrypted, private,
online call

  • 100% interactive
    -as it's a live conversation, you ask your question/s and you can also ask back after my answers of course, should anything not be clear to you, etc.

  • can be recorded
    you can record the reading yourself,
    for you to keep it as an audio/MP3 file.

by email

  • not interactive
    -your asked question is answered only
    -as you cannot ask questions in-between the reading, TFT might be focusing on aspects that will be rather important to you right now, but in which you might be less interested in.



**on how quickly you will receive the card reading**

by phone or via an encrypted, private, online call

  • almost instantly
    -once payment has been received the appointment for the reading can be arranged for a convenient time straight away.

lenormand cards, spread with 7 lenormand cards

by email

  • not instantly
    -the card reading will be emailed to you
    within 72 hour (but usually asap)

 Whenever you are ready to place your booking, simply go to the shop.


**on the duration / the length of the reading**

by phone or via an encrypted, private, online call

  • 60 minutes
    -to provide you with a comprehensive and ethical reading


by email

  • via MP3-file: duration depends on your booked length:
    either 20,40 or 60 minutes.
  • However please note, that 20 & 40 minutes, should be seen as a taster reading only.
  • The spoken live-reading will be recorded, like in a phone or online call, it's just not interactive.
  • via written text: (angel oracle card readings)
    between about 7-9 A4 pages (often more, depending on the messages, even up to 13 pages!)

Pointer on how much time will be needed in a reading:

  • Although you choose the length for your reading, please bear the following in mind: TFT works extremely fast, however with the huge amount of important information for your questions and situation, to cover one topic area/life aspect with about 1 question only by using the cards and only brief angel messages, TFT will require already about 20 minutes, providing you with an ethical psychic reading. To cover that same topic/life aspect much deeper and more complete, as well as including astrology in the reading, 40 minutes would be much more advisable, or rather at least needed. Actually with astrology included, even more time would be advisable. Please note: For TFT to include detailled astrological insights, a time package of 60 minutes will be needed. Though one cannot generalize, as some questions are linked together, 'very generally' it roughly works like: one question in one topic/life area, should be counted for with at least 20 minutes, only with cards and a short angel message.


**on the location of the reading**


  • offered worldwide
  • any location,
    only a phone needed.

via an encrypted, private,
online call

  • offered worldwide
  • any location,
  • only a computer/laptop/phone,
    a broadband internet connection and possibly a headset or microphone & speakers needed


  • offered worldwide
  • any location,
    only access to a computer/phone for your email account needed
  • & for the MP3-file also speakers/headset might be needed.

 Place your booking on the shop page.


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**on the price of the card reading**

To give new customers the chance to get to know our extreme high quality of our readings,
we offer reduced rates for first time buyers.

You have the following options for your reading,
just book a time package for:

  • Consultations by phone or via an encrypted, private, online call (our main service)
  • Consultations by email (MP3 voice recording)
  • Angel Oracle Card Readings - by email: written text (equivalent to a 60 minute reading)
  • Angel Oracle Card Readings - by email: (20 mins MP3 voice recording, shorter messages)

To view the exact fees, click here for our price list.
On that list, just scroll down to view all readings' options,
and click 'back' to return to this page again.
  • By placing your booking on our shop page, you will automatically receive a £5.00 reduction,
    i.e. the quoted prices from our price list apply only.
  • For booking outside of your shop page, our regular prices apply,
    which are the prices listed in our price list plus £5.00.


**on how to book**

by phone or via an encrypted, private, online call or by email

  • You will need to make your payment via the shop
  • After that you will get a chance to give us any further details required for your booking
  • By placing your booking via our shop page,
    you will automatically receive a £5 automatic price reduction.

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**what kind of questions are answered**

by phone or via an encrypted, private, online call or by audio (MP3) email

  • any question will be answered
    -only exception being on the time of someone's death or the lottery numbers, which will not be provided to you



Lenormand card, card number 5, tree

email: written text

  • via written text/for the Angel Oracle Readings you'll choose:
  • A1 - one question
  • A2 ~Future Forecast
  • A3 ~Angel Message on 'a' situation
  • A4 ~Angel Message on 'a' person
  • A5 ~Message from your Guardian Angel
  • A6 ~Abundance/Finances
  • A7 ~Life Purpose
  • A8 ~Finding Love
  • A9 ~Relationship

 Whenever you are ready to place your booking, simply go to the shop.


**what kind of answers can you expect**

by phone or via an encrypted, private, online call
or by audio (MP3) email

  • friendly, encouraging, empathetic, professional, caring, individually centred, compassionate, confidential, solution-oriented, to the point and precise answers will be given
    to your question/s.
  • Answers are always complex and never in a simple 'yes' / 'no' style, but elaborated
    in a way so you can actually utilize them into your life.
  • for email (MP3) readings:
    answers are spoken in a spiritual and helpful way

& depending on the time available:

  • an indepth analysis of your situation will be given, which helps to see the complete picture of all involved
  • useful and positive hints, tips and possible exercises might also be given, depending on the question, and whether this will be applicable to your situation and question.
  • angel messages will be given
    if you like
  • useful crystals might be named to help you for certain issues or situations or to help you connect
    with a certain angelic energy
  • possible affirmations might be given to you to use for your situation
  • If interested Eva can also have a look at the astrological charts of people involved, to give you an even deeper understanding for your question.

by email:

in Angel Oracle Card Readings:

  • Answers are often more cryptic and possibly focusing on something entirely different than what was asked.
  • Angels always only focus on your divine purpose in life and subsequently give adequate messages to you.
  • Divine messages from our angels are always positive, encouraging & peaceful.
  • crystals & colours will be named to help you
    to connect to certain angelic energies
  • affirmations will be given to you to use for your situation


star of recommendationstar of recommendationstar of recommendationstar of recommendationstar of recommendation via an encrypted, private, online call

This is TFT's personal recommendation:
- incorporating her own experience with clients :
as it's the best value for money
or rather the best buy for you,
a 60 minute consultation.

Also, having the reading via an encrypted, private, online call means no phone charges for you and it can also get recorded.

Unsure whether a psychic reading can help you?

Contact TFT

so she can explain to you, how a psychic reading with her
will help and improve your life.

You have another question that wasn't answered above, have a look at our FAQ.

 Ready to book your own card reading? Then go to the shop.

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