Astrology Reports - Written Horoscopes - Compatibility Reports


Astrological reports - written horoscopes - astrological interpretations - free sample reports of famous people

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Astrology Reports

AstroTalk advanced natal report, logo

Friends&Lovers relationship profiles, logo

With this report you will get a
personalized horoscope interpretation
for you to keep.

Each complete report is about 40+ A4 pages long
and comes with the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • The Planets
  • Life Landscapes - providing you with a description
    of major life periods; your personal background,
    plus a close-up look at your current situation,
    complete with exact dates
  • Burn Rate' -a gauge of your personal change
    and growth rate; i.e. Do you run hot & fast?
    Do things in your life change rapidly?
  • Your Soul Type -your inner self is contrasted with your outer personality - find out what this means for you and your life
  • Elemental balance -close analysis of elements
    & more in your chart -this gives a general picture of the real you
  • Challenges & Abilities - breakdown of areas of intense focus and activity in your chart. Challenges can be difficult, requiring caution & extra patience. Abilities are areas of clear insight and real talent. Being aware of both will be a great advantage to you.
  • Your Innermost Qualities
    House Activity & Emphasis
    - a very important & influencial part of your horoscope are the houses in your chart and their planets in them.
  • Major Transits - what's currently happening
    & what's about to happen in your life, giving precise dates

With this report you will get a
guided astrological tour of your relationship / friendship.

In the report two personal horoscopes are calculated, compared in detail,
giving an in-depth profile of what's happening between you astrologically.

It looks at the relationship from your perspective
as well as the other person's.

You can choose between:

  • romance report for lovers
  • profile on non-romantic relationships

Each complete report is about 25 A4 pages long
and comes with the following four chapters:

  • How do you approach relationships in general?
  • How does the other person approach relationships in general?
  • How do you relate to this person in particular?
  • How does the other person relate to you?

This Friends&Lovers' profile is the one and only:

Relating potential = Friends & Lovers' profile

Way back, before computers were around like today, these two astrological reports would have cost thousands of pounds for any astrologer to prepare up to 40+ A4 pages. Our two computer-generated astrological reports / profiles are written by real astrologists. Thus making them psychologically in-depth, and accurate, but provided much quicker and much more economical for you. Fantastic value for money!

* For any accurate astrology chart to be drawn up only the following data will be needed: date of birth, time of birth and place of birth.*

Naturally a personal one-to-one astrology reading with TimeForTalking herself, will be a different,
more specific to your possible questions about somthing etc. But as everyone's finances are not the same,
we still also want to give you these astrology report options.
Those reports will still provide you an immense of insights.
See for yourself, as you can imagine in 25 - 40+ pages, there are quite a lot of information for you.

The reports also make a fantastic birthday present for example.
And at our rather low prices of these reports, you cannot go wrong.

Should you prefer to get the insights about your astrology chart/s/horoscope in a psychic reading with astrology
conducted by phone or via an encrypted, private, online call or by email (MP3 audio recording), please visit our astrology readings instead.
To order the report from this page, please go to shop.
To order the report from this page, please go to shop.
To read a sample AstroTalk report
-for Jennifer Aniston - click here.
-for Brad Pitt - click here.
-for Dwayne -the Rock- Johnson- click here.
-for Matthew McConaughey - click here.
- for Oprah Winfrey - click here.
- for
Leonardo Di Caprio - click here.
To read a sample Transit report
- for Jennifer Garner - click here.

To read a sample Friends' & Lovers' report

-for Prince Harry & Meghan (formerly Markle)
the Duke and Duchess of Sussex - click here.
-for Catherine Zeta Jones & Michael Douglas -click here.

- for Prince William & Catherine (formerly known as Kate Middleton)/ the Prince and Princess of Wales. - click here.

AstroTalk advanced natal report, logo
Friends&Lovers relationship profiles, logo
Get the astrological report of your favourite celebrity, real insights for you. We'll be looking at the person's birth horoscope, giving you future forecasts (transits) and more.
Get the astrological report of your favourite celebrity couple, real insights for you. We'll be looking at both their horoscopes in relation to each other.
May it be Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Katie Homes, Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Kelly Osbourne, Vin Diesel, Kate or Oliver Hudson, just to name a few.
Get inspired by the unique planet constellations of YOUR chart!
Don't miss out!!!

Both reports make great gifts also, as they are absolutely unique and very personal.

Friends, family, god parents for example you found an extraordinary gift now!
E.g. for birthdays, anniversaries, wedding, a new baby or any special occasion!

Brought to you in the most economical way. As a one-to-one astrology reading will be more expensive.
So our written astrology profiles are a very good start for valuable insights.

chart in the sky, graphic
With our transit / progression horoscopes you will get a
personalized horoscope interpretation for a specific date for you to keep.

In more detail, a transit / progression horoscope can do the following:

  • it shows you your current situation due to planetary influences.
  • it helps you understand why certain issues are coming up right now in your life
  • it gives you advise on how to behave in the most beneficial way for you right now

    It gives you answers to:
  • why do I have this certain problem / situation right now?
  • what are the current planetary influences I am experiencing? etc.

  • Each transit / progression horoscope is between 24-26 A4 pages long
  • As these horoscopes are drawn up for a specific date, it makes a great special gift
    for a birthday,anniversary, any special day, a holiday, retireing, and much more...

astrological report pages

To read a sample transit horoscope of Jennifer Garner, click here.

radix wheel and report pages

To order your own transit or progression horoscope now,
please go to


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