Card Reading Seminars - Group Seminars - Tuition

Lenormand card reading video seminar, one-to-one psychic tuition, how to become a psychic reader, how to learn learn lenormand card readings and pendulum dowsing in the convenience of your home.

Holistic - psychological and spiritual self-help through psychic angels astrology readings and counselling. Inspiration for your body, mind and soul. Guidance Services

You are on:
Card Reading Seminars,

Presenting to you,
TFT's unique card reading seminars, workshops and courses.
It's all about how to become a professional psychic card reader.

She has vast experience and knowledge in the psychic reading industry
and is now sharing her knowledge with you as well, with these convenient training options.

On this page, you'll find:


+ + Absolutely Unique + + Absolutely Unique + +

Flexible home study course
(further down you'll also see a video)

Learn how to become a spiritual advisor providing professional psychic readings
with lenormand cards and dowsing using a pendulum.

A mobile Lenormand card reading seminar for any location,
as provided virtually via online video course:

- learning it all the easy way - detailled - helpful
- from home/work/anywhere - in your own time -
- with private one-to-one tuition for your specific questions -

- almost 8 hours video material (videos, audios, texts)
- TFT's Lenormand Card Reading Encyclopedia
(183 pages; value £30.00)
- private one-to-one tutoring with TFT, your seminar coach
- You learn the art of psychic card readings and pendulum dowsing, but also spiritual truths that will change your life and the life of your future clients, in a positive way.


Learn the art of Lenormand card readings. With this course it's easy, inspiring, life-changing and absolutely flexible, as you decide on the where, when and how.


Learn really e v e r y t h i n g for offering spiritual advice with psychic card readings and dowsing.
This home study course is packed with detailled and life-changing inspirational insights and knowledge
as well as theoretical and practical techniques, tips and tricks.
All for your personal learning lenormand card reading and dowsing learning experience.

Your seminar/home study course contains numerous videos, audios and text.
Through this variety in the presentation of this course, it's suitable for simply e v e r y o n e.

You have the opportunity to choose your own time schedule for learning
how to become a spiritual advisor with lenormand cards and the pendulum.

Furthermore you receive TFT's unique Lenormand Card Reading Encyclopedia.

In any group seminar only the very 'extroverted' participant will get a chance to actively participate.

In this home study video seminar this is really different.
The course is put together as if it were a one-to-one tuition course,
thus 100% specific to your individual learning needs.

As it also includes a personal, one-to-one tuition session with Eva,
you'll be able to ask her any questions then.
This way you will never study on your own with this our one & only,
absolutely unique, lenormand card reading home study course with online video seminar material.

This course is suitable for :
** total novice,
** someone who already gained some knowledge
on lenormand card readings,
** but also those, who work as card readers already.
No matter whether you ,
- have no previous knowledge*
- have already got some knowledge, but providing live readings
with really interpreting the cards there and then is not possible yet*
- have some basic knowledge,
but fluently providing readings are still a difficult challenge*
- have some knowledge, but your interpretations
are never complex nor detailled and you are totally stuck
when clients ask you something elaborate*
- have some knowledge, but you simply cannot come up with the answers to clients' questions*
- are already a card reader, but you are not working confidently yet as you are lacking the routine and the real experience
for all scenarios*
- already work as a card reader, but you are lacking the background knowledge to really provide spiritual advice to people.*
This course suits you perfectly !
*just as an example.

With this home study video seminar you will learn truly e v e r y t h i n g (i.e. theoretical & practical wisdom) that you will ever require,
for you to offer psychic readings with the lenormand cards and the pendulum as well. May it be privately or professionally.

This course is very detailled and complex but it teaches you lenormand card reading the easy way and this for everyone.

There are many readers with even more techniques but often it's all far too overwhelming for a beginner
or someone who really likes to become a professional lenormand card reader.

+ Learn interpreting (thus reading) the lenormand cards -- the easy way +

Lots of real practical advice with tips and tricks will enable you
(even if you tried it before unsuccessfully) to learn reading the lenormand cards.

All provided to you from a successful, professional psychic card reader.

A client wrote about the course:
" This course is amazing. .
Comprehensiveness, accuracy and clear language make it easy to learn and take in the material. As a beginner I find the entire course 100% helpful, especially as every important factor and indeed covered.
And there is lots that I hadn't even thought about.
No group seminar was ever able to provide this to me.
The price is really good. I am so glad I found this course.
I can fully recommend this home study course to everyone.

What is really important to me and so it's another bonus, is the fact that I can go through the material in my own time. Going over it repeatedly if I wish to do so as well, and with it improving my skills rapidly. Step by step I am gaining the needed knowledge and already see some great successes.
It's fun as well and I know I am on the right path.
The course provides what it promises:

helpful, detailled and exactly tailored to the learner's needs and requirements. Many thanks!"


Please note re: the link mentioned in the video, you are on that page, here, already ;-).
  Here a shortened list of the main seminar details
TFT's Lenormand Card Reading Encyclopedia (183 pages; value £30.00)
Why and how card readings work.
How to learn interpreting of the lenormand cards.
Introduction / Presentation of various card decks
Answers to numerous and frequently asked questions
Main meanings of the lenormand cards
Tips & tricks to memorize the card numbers
First steps to real card readings
Learning of all interpretation techniques
Numerous videos on various card spreads:
the grand tableau (9x4, 8x4+4 systems), celtic cross, card spreads specifically for relationships, decisions and karma.
Numerous videos with practical examples for real-life usage and for
frequent and actual clients' questions.
The Ins and Outs (i.e. A-Z) of readings
The most essential qualities of a good card reader
How to conduct a reading
Practical tips for working as a psychic reader and spiritual advisor
The art of dowsing
Introduction into dowsing using a pendulum
Tips for even more complex readings
Combinations with other information, details and tools
Psychic training and exercises
Improving your psychic skills
Practical exercises
One-to-one tuition session
Private one-to-one tuition with TFT
by phone or via an encrypted, private, online call
Benefit from our current offer:


Your seminar access is valid for 4 weeks from your initial payment.
This is sufficient time to learn the art of lenormand card readings.

However should you require any additional access* to the seminar details after that,
you can arrange that as well.

You'll receive:
TFT's Lenormand Card Reading Encyclopedia separately
and it's yours to keep.

*This way, if preferred and according to your individual requirements,
you'll get continuous access to the material.


To book this seminar, please go the shop.

To purchase the TFT Lenormand Card Reading Encyclopedia,
without the seminar,
simply order it in our shop.

To purchase TFT's unique Lenormand Card Decks (3 different ones),
without the seminar, purchase them here.


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Group Seminar - Workshop
Title: training to become a psychic reader & advisor
- using lenormand cards and pendulum dowsing -

about TFT:

In all her readings, TFT is using a vast variety of knowledge and experience. These holistic areas are card readings, angels, astrology, claircognizance = psychic knowing, numerology, crystals,
universals laws, spiritual and psychological knowledge.

Now TFT is sharing her knowledge and years of experience with you in psychic card reading seminars, courses, training workshops.

seminar title:
psychic reader - for lenormand card readings and dowsing
*introduction to varies card decks
*general meanings of each lenormand card
*card spreads (keltic cross -classical & TFT's variation)
*TFT's karma spread
*full spreads (8/9 cards per row)
*decision spread
*partner spread
*combination with other card decks
*how to read the lenormand cards
*introduction to dowsing
*combination with the pendulum
*how to learn reading the cards
*how to conduct a professional reading
*practical exercises and more
We'll be mainly working with the lenormand cards of
the TimeForTalking Lenormand and the Blue Owl.
TFT's seminars always consist of a combination of live video conference
(via an encrypted, private, group video conference), text, audio, email.
It is a real workshop training
**As we live what we believe, all our seminars and courses are offered to you in an eco-friendly way.
Using 100% interactive, face-to-face, video conference facilities of the free software Skype.
By avoiding travelling, saving & supporting Mother Earth one bit at a time.
number of participants:
4 participants
For a seminar start, book together with your 3 friends.
about 7.5 hrs via video group conference,
as well as inidvidual tuition/help by email or via Vsee
of a maxium of 30 mins/person
= total duration: about 8 hrs
previous knowledge:
No previous knowledge of the lenormand cards necessary.
This seminar and training is suitable for the total novice.
needed equipment:
a fast broadband internet connection,
webcam, microphone or headset (i.e. headphones and microphone)
Conveniently at your computer or laptop or phone via video group conference, so accessable from any location and this worldwide.
By agreement. As this is a rather private seminar with only 4 participants, actual seminar dates can be arranged individually. According to bookings, but available every month.
what to bring:
cheerfulness, motivation, thirst for knowledge,
a deck of lenormand cards, if you haven't got one yet,
order a card deck of your choice on here.
Should you own any other card decks, have those at hand as well

a pendulum (if you haven't got one yet, simply use a heavy object, like e.g. a ring
and tie it on a ribbon or necklace chain);
a digital camera or your camera mobile phone
(the webcam would be sufficient, but for taking photos of your spreads, it is
much more convenient to use a camera or camera mobile phone);

an undisturbed room, where you can comfortably sit
with our laptop or pc for the length of the training seminar;

pen and paper, for taking notes;
some water to have at hand, as an available drink,
(but not coffein, alcoholic or sugary^ drinks)
^as coffein, alcohol & sugar will block your intuition
Presenting you with the needed knowledge for providing professional psychic readings using lenormand cards and the pendulum.
After completion of this seminar training you will receive
a certificate of attendance by email.



see all fees in our shop


what you
will get:

- 7.5 hours seminar
- 30 minutes after-seminar one-to-one tuition and help
- TFT's Lenormand Card Reading Encyclopedia
(183 pages; value £30.00)

Still have questions? Contact us

To book this seminar, please go the shop.

To purchase the TFT Lenormand Card Reading Encyclopedia,
without the seminar,
simply order it in our shop.

To purchase TFT's unique Lenormand Card Decks (3 different ones),
without the seminar, purchase them here.


One-to-one tuition to become a psychic card reader

Always only according to your specific requirements, interest and knowledge level.
Suitable for a novice, but also for someone with some or lots of knowledge already.

about TFT:

In all her readings, TFT is using a vast variety of knowledge and experience. These holistic areas are card readings, angels, astrology, claircognizance = psychic knowing, numerology, crystals,
universals laws, spiritual and psychological knowledge.

Now TFT is sharing her knowledge and years of experience with you
in one-to-one psychic tuition.

seminar title:
One-to-one tuition to become a psychic card reader

According to your requirements:
one-to-one tuition and specific training of the art of (lenormand) card readings, angel readings, pendulum dowsing, astrological readings etc..

By phone or via an encrypted, private, online call.
*As we live what we believe, all teaching is only offered to you in an eco-friendly way,
by phone or via such online call/meeting.
By avoiding travelling, saving & supporting Mother Earth one bit at a time as well.
number of participants:
one-to-one, so 1 participant
as long as you require the tutoring
previous knowledge:

According to your knowledge level, so no previous knowledge required but also possible. For the latter, TFT will be helping you to achieve a better knowledge level, answer all your questions about becoming a psychic reader etc. This one-to-one psychic tuition is suitable for everyone, the total novice, but also for those with all possible levels of knowledge.

One-to-one tuition is also rather suitable for those, who already done for example a lenormand card reading course, but still have some or many questions about the subject or how to actually put the theoretical knowledge into real life work and who require some more specific and practical knowlege and professional exercise and experience.

needed equipment:
  • for tuition by phone = phone
  • for tuition via an encrypted, private, online call
    = computer/laptop/phone,

    fast broadband internet connection, microphone
    or headset (i.e. headphones and microphone)
  • for tuition via encrypted, private, online call/video meeting
    = also a webcam needed

Conveniently by phone or from your computer, laptop
or smartphone/iPhone etc.,
so accessable from any location and this worldwide.


By agreement as it's one-to-one tuition.
Always according to your bookings, but possible daily.

what to bring:
  • cheerfulness, motivation, thirst for knowledge,
  • for tuition in lenormand cards = a deck of lenormand cards,
    if you haven't got one yet, order a card deck of your choice on here.
    Should you own any other card decks, have those at hand as well.

  • for tuition in dowsing = a pendulum (if you haven't got one yet, simply use a heavy object, like e.g. a ring and tie it on a ribbon or necklace chain);
  • a digital camera or your camera mobile phone/smartphone/iPhone
    ( for taking photos of your card spreads);
  • an undisturbed room, where you can comfortably sit
    with our laptop or pc for the length of the training seminar;

  • pen and paper, for taking notes
  • some water to have at hand, as an available drink,
    (but not coffein, alcoholic or sugary^ drinks)
    ^as coffein, alcohol & sugar will block your intuition

Teaching you the needed knowledge for becoming a psychic reader according to your chosen field of interest
(card readings, pendulum dowsing, angels, astrology).


A certificate of attendance/completion, after your finished
course through one-to-one tuition, can be emailed to you.


As this psychic training is one-to-one tuition
the tuition rate is the usual hourly rate.

Book it conveniently in our shop.

To purchase the TFT Lenormand Card Reading Encyclopedia,
without the seminar,
simply order it in our shop.
[Please note:
You'll receive this Encyclopedia free of charge,
when booking our Lenormand Home-Study (Video) Course.]

To purchase TFT's unique Lenormand Card Decks (3 different ones),
without the seminar, purchase them here.





using the following modalities:




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