Transits Happening Now
use the term "transits" to mean the positions of
the major planets that are overhead (in the sky) right now
and their relationship to our birth chart. Transits are very
important indicators of the current situation in which we
find ourselves. They can provide insight into what we are
now going through. Here are the dates when the next major
transits for the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
and Pluto are exact in your chart. Some dates will have already
passed and some are still to come. Remember, with these large
planets transits don't just happen on the day when they are
exact. They cover a wide span of days, weeks, months, and
sometimes years, depending on which planet is involved.
general, transits of Jupiter take from several days to a week
or two to complete, while those of Saturn take from two weeks
to a month to play themselves out. With the outer planets,
the period of activity is even longer: transits of Uranus
take about two months, Neptune three or four months, and Pluto
takes about a year. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto move so slowly
that the complete transit experience may take a year or two
to complete itself. So be prepared to work with these situations.
May 04, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 55 5m)
A time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural
way for you. Situations are almost tailor-made, and it is
easy to see which path is the one to take. Opportunities abound,
and you may find yourself wanting (and able) to do almost
Jupiter Trine Jupiter
May 09, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 55 6m)
You may find yourself more than a little acquisitive, and
your current appreciation for just about everything may lead
you to overspend, indulge too much. You will make career gains
by your ability to sense quality and choose accordingly.
Jupiter Trine Venus
May 25, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 55 6m)
This could be a difficult situation. Your career and path
to success seem to be running counter to your need for change
and self-growth. Job requirements may stifle your sensitivity,
hold you back from growing. Tread this one with care.
Jupiter Square Pluto
Jul 01, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 55 7m)
A real time to buckle down and consolidate your career. Your
organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will
be what guide you and prove successful. Your career could
assume a much more determined and solid form -- a firm foundation.
Jupiter Sextile Saturn
Jul 04, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 55 7m)
You find that you can really use your mind to make clear choices
and think things through. Career decisions are straightforward
and easy to make. You make your way through ideas, concepts,
and your ability to communicate and express them to others.
Jupiter Trine Mercury
Jul 09, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 55 8m)
Career choices and direction seem to indicate a loss of freedom
and originality on your part. You may feel stifled and forced
to go along if you want to succeed. This could result in a
situation building up to an explosive level. Tread with care.
Jupiter Square Uranus
Jul 13, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 55 8m)
Growth and success could be tied to your possessions or to
the way you possess and respond to the various ideas and impulses
operating in your life now. You could benefit through material
support and possessions.
Jupiter in Second House
Aug 04, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 55 8m)
Everything may be pouring in at once, and it's all good news.
Your career direction gets some encouragement, and life's
problems should find easy solutions. You may benefit from
an older person or one in authority. Life could assume a dreamlike
Jupiter Trine Sun
Aug 06, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 55 9m)
Your home environment, friends, and surroundings in general
get facilitated and receive encouragement. Your work or career
is in real harmony with the rest of your life. You could gain
from subordinates or younger people during this time.
Jupiter Sextile Moon
Apr 19, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 55 5m)
Circumstances may appear to work against you and bring very
sensitive issues to the fore. Changes you want to make or
are making may be challenged by someone close to you or by
events. This could heat up and be an explosive time.
Saturn Opposition Pluto
May 01, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 55 5m)
Circumstances should work together to help bring out your
ideals, make it easier to make your dreams real. You may find
yourself examining and testing ideals, separating the wheat
from the chaff. All in all, a good time to project your image.
Saturn Trine Neptune
Jul 23, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 54 8m)
12, 2024 2nd Pass R< (Age 54 11m)
05, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 55 5m)
A time of sudden insights (maybe jolts) into some of the most
sensitive and vulnerable areas of your inner self and psychology.
Breakthroughs regarding inner growth and transformation. A
time during which you reach new levels in understanding life
and death.
Uranus Trine Pluto
May 27, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 55 6m)
A time of independence when you may try new and different
things that don't necessarily go with your established ideals
and image of yourself. You could rebel against sentimentality,
too much dreaming, and any "pie in the sky" you
bought in the past.
Uranus Opposition Neptune
Jul 12, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 55 8m)
A time during which you are unusually motivated or driven
in new and unexpected directions. You could receive unexpected
backing and, in general, your efforts are successful and reach
new heights of originality. New and unexpected emotions may
come up.
Uranus Trine Mars