Transits Happening Now
use the term "transits" to mean the positions of
the major planets that are overhead (in the sky) right now
and their relationship to our birth chart. Transits are very
important indicators of the current situation in which we
find ourselves. They can provide insight into what we are
now going through. Here are the dates when the next major
transits for the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
and Pluto are exact in your chart. Some dates will have already
passed and some are still to come. Remember, with these large
planets transits don't just happen on the day when they are
exact. They cover a wide span of days, weeks, months, and
sometimes years, depending on which planet is involved.
general, transits of Jupiter take from several days to a week
or two to complete, while those of Saturn take from two weeks
to a month to play themselves out. With the outer planets,
the period of activity is even longer: transits of Uranus
take about two months, Neptune three or four months, and Pluto
takes about a year. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto move so slowly
that the complete transit experience may take a year or two
to complete itself. So be prepared to work with these situations.
Aug 14, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 70 6m)
04, 2024 2nd Pass R< (Age 70 10m)
05, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 71 2m)
A time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural
way for you. Situations are almost tailor-made and it is easy
to see which path is the one to take. Opportunities abound,
and you may find yourself wanting (and able) to do almost
Jupiter Conjunction Jupiter
Sep 01, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 70 7m)
14, 2024 2nd Pass R< (Age 70 9m)
20, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 71 2m)
You find that you can really use your mind to make clear choices
and think things through. Career decisions are straightforward
and easy to make. You make your way through ideas, concepts,
and your ability to communicate and express them to others.
Jupiter Trine Mercury
May 14, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 71 3m)
You may find that both your personal growth and your career
may depend upon how you can handle the very sensitive psychological
material that may be coming up now. You will benefit from
analytical insights, getting to the heart of things. Penetrating.
Jupiter Sextile Pluto
May 23, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 71 3m)
You will prosper by pursuing your ideals and most deep-seated
dreams of how life could be. Don't be afraid to project that
image, make those dreams real. Ideas of group cooperation
and communion (mass images) could further your career.
Jupiter Trine Neptune
Jun 26, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 71 4m)
You may find yourself succeeding and moving ahead by using
your mind and thoughts. Also, communication and research in
all forms could be a key area for career growth.
Jupiter in Third House
Jul 19, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 71 5m)
A real time to buckle down and consolidate your career. Your
organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will
be what guide you and prove successful. Your career could
assume a much more determined and solid form -- a firm foundation.
Jupiter Trine Saturn
Aug 30, 2024 2nd Pass R< (Age 70 7m)
24, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 70 11m)
Events make it difficult to make good decisions concerning
career and life direction. The danger of building on unsound
foundations or expanding too fast is present. You could feel
up tight and blocked on all sides... unable to move forward.
Saturn Square Jupiter
May 23, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 70 3m)
06, 2024 2nd Pass R< (Age 70 6m)
08, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 71 0m)
Not an easy time, during which you may have to put up with
many aggravations for the sake of what you believe in. Friends
that aren't so friendly may drop away, and you could find
yourself standing alone in pursuit of your destiny -- a new
Saturn in Twelfth House
Feb 25, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 71 0m)
Events may make it easy for you to be original, have breakthroughs,
and find new solutions to old problems. You may find yourself
able to implement your ideas and put them into practice. Independence,
originality, and eccentricity are to the fore.
Saturn Trine Uranus
Mar 30, 2025 1st Pass D> (Age 71 1m)
A time during which you bring imagination and new ideals to
your ambitions and life direction. You could get carried away
and lose sight of the practical, day-to-day realities in your
quest for religious, philosophical, and mystical understanding.
Neptune Conjunction Sun