three Soul Consultation Packages available to you:
starter level ~ medium level ~ expert level
Soul's journey consultations pack - starter level
- 1 month
(taster = getting to know parts
of your soul)
more in our shop
Soul's journey consultations pack medium level
- 3 months
(get ready = going for a walk with
your soul)
more in our shop
Soul's journey consultations pack expert
level - 6 months
(get the full picture = walking
in tune with your soul daily and fully aware)
more in our shop
package features:
- direct one-to-one access to TimeForTalking aka Amaris
through consultations by phone or via encrypted, private, online
- direct one-to-one access to TimeForTalking aka Amaris
through email sessions/contacts
- video material (if needed)
- audio recordings (if needed)
describe our soul consultation packages as:
very inspiring
- really helpful
- straight to the point
- always available for me, that is fantastic
- you gave me the support and the guidance, I needed
- my questions were always answered &
I received step-by-step instructions to achieve any change
- always completely tailor-made to my life and situation,
never anything general
- it's was always only about 'me' that was amazing,
no group or webinar ever gave me that
- definitely inspired from 'above'
- I can fully recommend you to everyone