Extract From Advanced Natal Report Text
Report Based on Brad Pitt's birth!
This sample text begins with the planets
in Brad Pitt's chart.
Each planet is introduced with a basic description of
that planet followed by its specific aspects in Brad's
chart. Here are excerpts taken from some of the Astro*Talk
Lights: The Sun and Moon
At the time of our birth, the planets (through
their configurations and relationships) tell us something
about how things were when we were born. Each planet points
to special qualities within us. Yet, of all the planets,
the two most important planets to astrologers are the "lights,"
the Sun and the Moon. From where we stand here on Earth,
the great shining Sun by day and the reflecting Moon at
night are our constant companions. They have much to tell
us as to where we have been and where we are headed.
Sun: Your Self and Future
From the Sun comes light, that which draws
us into life. The Sun represents all the changes we have
not yet taken, that part of us that we have not yet experienced
but are headed toward. The Sun represents our identity,
or self, in that it is toward these that we are moving and
developing. Thus, it also represents that which we will
become: older people, authorities -- those we look toward,
or up to. Our essence, or future. Teachers, gurus, and older
(more experienced) people are represented by the Sun. The
Sun is "hot stuff" -- those further up the road of life
in Sagittarius
You are always out-front, frank, and even rough at times
-- getting to the heart of any subject. On the move, you
are a traveler of both the world and the mind -- philosophy
and religion. Outgoing, friendly, and well-liked, you may
enjoy sports and physical activity. Not petty, you like
grand themes and big gestures.
Square Midheaven
You have a basic self-esteem that is plain
to all who meet you. Your sense of discrimination and innate
good taste means that you know good items from bad and are
a connoisseur of all that is fine and beautiful. A love
of authority figures (men in particular), plus an appreciation
for authority and your elders in general, makes you welcome
at any social scene.
Moon: The Support System
Aside from our social background, the Moon governs all
of the old habits that we have grown beyond. We tend to
look down on, or back on, our Moon. It represents those
experiences out of which we have come, all those younger
souls who are unconscious, or "sub" conscious
to our own level. This is why it is said that the Moon
is a mystery planet, for it is both our parent and our
child: our parent in that out of it we were born, our
child in that we can't but respond to others who are now
living as we once did.
in Capricorn
Yours is the most practical of environments. You can manipulate
every idea or situation and put it to good use. Emotions
are seldom a priority, and you are always very practical
and ambitious. Your career is central to everything you
do. Farsighted and traditional, you enjoy success and the
successful. |
in Signs: Internal Planets
The Mind and Communication
Mercury is the light in our eyes, the ever-changing
consciousness within us that moves from idea to idea. Thus
Mercury has always represented thoughts, ideas, and the
mental process in general. It governs not only ideas, but
communications, too. Communications -- by phone, letter,
spoken, or however -- are ruled by Mercury. Also thoughts,
connections, phone wires, and everything that connects and
conveys -- even conversations.
Conjunct Venus
You have a love affair going with the mind and you value
all of its offspring: words, ideas, thoughts, and such.
And you love to talk. In particular you appreciate good
conversation, and you feel that stimulating mental adventures
(either alone or with others) are among the most exciting
experiences life offers. You have a built-in sense of discrimination
when it comes to the intellect -- all mental activities.
in Signs:
External Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
The major planets outside the Earth's orbit
(external to us) are Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These are
the planets of the outer world -- life as we find it outside
ourselves. Mars tells us something about the drive and energy
we have, Jupiter shows us how to best channel that energy,
and Saturn decrees what sort of material or territory we
will be passing through. Again: Saturn tells us about the
territory we will be going through, Jupiter the way or path
through it, and Mars what kind of push or drive we can count
on to keep going.
Drive and Emotions
Mars is the planet of emotion and inner
motivation or drive. When we search for the meaning of something,
life or whatever, it is Mars that urges us on, keeps us
searching. Mars also drives us against things, too and sends
us into war and combat. The urgency of Mars, the search
for meaning, is identical to the need for union, yoga, and
marriage. Mars is the planet of union, and marriage is the
most common form of yoga. When we have questions about the
opposite sex, we are looking at the planet Mars.
in Capricorn
You are a very hard worker and are driven to accomplish,
manage, and be in control. You like to manipulate a situation
for its own benefit and would make a natural supervisor.
You have an inner urge for order and organization and a
great sense of responsibility. You are competent, ambitious,
and cool.
Major Life Periods
follows amounts to a brief overview of the first thirty years
or so of your life -- a road map of the years to come. Since childhood,
adolescence, and early adult life are so crucial to each of us,
an attempt has been made to describe these formative years. Based
on the gradual movement of the planet Saturn, this is one of the
most tested of all astrological techniques. It is used by almost
every professional astrologer as part of any personal consultation.
Provided that your time of birth is more or less accurate, you
will find this information both accurate and informative. Here
is a general life overview, followed by a close-up on your current
changes -- what is happening right now. First the overview:
Your Personal Background
A very active and outgoing youngster, you show
an interest in the outside world and social life very early, say
around 11-12 years of age. You may at this time move very rapidly
into the limelight and find yourself a leader and quite successful
in all social activities. Things will just work out for you. This
trend will continue and reach a peak when you are about 18-19
years of age, after which time you will lose interest in the social
and external and turn more inward. This could result in your being
somewhat of a prodigy and achieving a very early career success,
only to find yourself less and less involved in it. You may even
turn away from everything and choose to start over again to find
a new vocation. You may discover yourself spending many years
pursuing a more inward and subjective path that could last until
you are 30 years of age (or more) at which time you will turn
outward once again and take a new direction.
Your Burn Rate
You have a very high burn rate (index of change) and tend to run
hot and fast. It is almost like having many lifetimes within this
single one. Things are always fast and furious with you, and you
seldom remain calm for long. Your thirst for experience and growth
keeps you always on the move. You work through an enormous amount
of change compared to an average person. In particular, the following
qualities are areas where you have experienced and will continue
to experience much change. These areas of life persist in presenting
themselves to you, so you may already have become very experienced
in them. On the other hand, they could be arenas in which you
struggle but have not yet attained mastery.
A majority of planets in the PAST suggests that you are comfortable
with established values. You know and understand more than you
let on, and life changes seldom take you by surprise. You have
a great deal of control over your actions.
Transits Happening Now
Astrologers use the term "transits" to mean
the positions of the major planets that are overhead (in the
sky) right now and their relationship to our birth chart.
Transits are very important indicators of the current situation
in which we find ourselves. They can provide insight into what
we are now going through. Here are the dates when the next major
transits for the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and
Pluto are exact in your chart. Some dates will have already
passed and some are still to come.
Remember, with these large planets transits don't just happen
on the day when they are exact. They cover a wide span of days,
weeks, months, and sometimes years, depending on which planet
is involved.
In general, transits of Jupiter take from several days to a
week or two to complete, while those of Saturn take from two
weeks to a month to play themselves out. With the outer planets,
the period of activity is even longer: transits of Uranus take
about two months, Neptune three or four months, and Pluto takes
about a year. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto move so slowly that
the complete transit experience may take a year or two to complete
Jul 08, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 6m)
A time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural
way for you. Situations are almost tailor-made, and it is easy
to see which path is the one to take. Opportunities abound,
and you may find yourself wanting (and able) to do almost everything.
Jupiter Sextile Jupiter
Jul 09, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 6m)
Career choices and direction seem to indicate a loss of freedom
and originality on your part. You may feel stifled and forced
to go along if you want to succeed. This could result in a situation
building up to an explosive level. Tread with care.
Jupiter Square Uranus
Jul 18, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 7m) Jan 17, 2025 2nd Pass
R< (Age 61 1m)
Relationships, whether partnerships, personal, or the social
scene in general, are very important during this time and can
have a very decided influence on your career and workplace.
You may find that a more impersonal attitude is the key.
Jupiter in Seventh House
Jul 30, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 7m) Dec 23, 2024 2nd Pass
R< (Age 61 0m)
This could be a difficult situation. Your career and path to
success seem to be running counter to your need for change and
self-growth. Job requirements may stifle your sensitivity, hold
you back from growing. Tread this one with care.
Jupiter Square Pluto
Sep 01, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 8m) Nov 14, 2024 2nd Pass
R< (Age 60 10m)
A real time to buckle down and consolidate your career. Your
organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will be
what guide you and prove successful. Your career could assume
a much more determined and solid form -- a firm foundation.
Jupiter Trine Saturn
Mar 01, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 2m)
Circumstances may urge you to great effort and hard work. Things
are working with rather than against you, so don't hold back.
However, don't overdo and try to go too far too fast. Let things
take their natural course, which should be an easy one now.
Saturn Sextile Mars
Mar 02, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 2m)
Circumstances may conspire to limit and hinder your sense of
independence and originality. It could be hard to find easy
solutions to problems right now. Conservative forces or events
may challenge or oppose your ideas and sense of freedom.
Saturn Opposition Uranus
Apr 07, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 3m) Oct 03, 2024 2nd Pass
R< (Age 60 9m) Dec 26, 2024 3rd Pass D> (Age 61 0m)
Circumstances may appear to work against you and bring very
sensitive issues to the fore. Changes you want to make or are
making may be challenged by someone close to you or by events.
This could heat up and be an explosive time.
Saturn Opposition Pluto
Apr 25, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 4m) Sep 07, 2024 2nd Pass
R< (Age 60 8m) Jan 18, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 61 1m)
Your mind may be very clear now and your thoughts brought to
a sharp focus. Easy to organize your thoughts, and communication
of all kinds is furthered. Write that book, take that course.
Your thoughts count now, so use your mind. Communicate.
Saturn Sextile Mercury
May 03, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 4m) Aug 28, 2024 2nd Pass
R< (Age 60 8m) Jan 25, 2025 3rd Pass D> (Age 61 1m)
Circumstances should work together to help bring out your ideals,
make it easier to make your dreams real. You may find yourself
examining and testing ideals, separating the wheat from the
chaff. All in all, a good time to project your image.
Saturn Trine Neptune
May 19, 2024 1st Pass D> (Age 60 5m) Jan 09, 2025 2nd Pass
R< (Age 61 0m)
A time during which you discover new and different reasons or
ways to enjoy and appreciate life. A kind of mini-revolution
may find you altering your value system, allowing you to like
new things. A new approach to love and compassion.
Uranus Trine Venus
in High Focus
The mind, and all that is
mental, will be the source of continued change and adjustment.
Letters, writing, speaking, and all things having to do with communication
and cognitive work assume great importance. Your mind tends to
be engrossed with thoughts, ideas, and concepts and remains in
almost constant flux. Mental learning is an area of preoccupation.
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