Spiritual Services - for your Body, Mind and Soul
through + Psychic Readings + Spiritual Mentoring + Coaching + Holistic Insights +
on your past, present & future
TimeForTalking.com Guidance Services Inspiration for your body, mind and soul. Company logo, Holistic self-help through psychic angels astrology readings, past life/karmic/soul purpose insights, counselling & much more.

+ TimeForTalking.com specializes in assisting you on your path +

Hello & Welcome
(if nothing else - please - do read through this box)

Listen here to a welcome message

All of my work is a form of
+ Spiritual Mentoring & Coaching +
- for your Body, Mind & Soul.
As I am using various
+ holistic methods & modalities +
my help and insight is avaible for
+ any situation. +

+ Psychic Readings +
on your past, present & future

+ Have all of your questions answered.
+ Check (love) compatibility with someone.
+ Learn about your past lives.
+ Learn about your future - so you can change it, if you like.

Confidential, solution-oriented, insightful, empathetic Psychic Readings for Past, Present & Future

For you to dive deeper the following is offered:

Ready to grow spiritually?
Ready to Spiritually Awaken &
Improve your Life in the process?

Let me help, empower, inspire &
assist you on your Spiritual Path.
Help you remember who you are,
what your plans were for this incarnation & much more.

Provided to you in a rather friendly, honest but caring, compassionate, solution-oriented way, inspired from above.

You may call it one of the following,
or be looking for one of the following:

But TimeForTalking = your expert solution for:

++ Spiritual Mentoring & Holistic Coaching ++
- with longer consultation programs, they entail all listed modalities

TimeForTalking.com + Your Spiritual Mentor + for your Body, Mind & Soul  Let me open your Soul's Blueprint & access your Pre-Birth plans you made, so you can walk in tune with your Soul. + Spiritual Growth + Awakening + Soul Purpose + awaits you, on rainbow background
Spiritual Mentoring + for your body, mind & soul + empowering + confindential + solution-oriented + helpful +  caring + empathetic - wiritten over lid candles Mentoring & Coaching:  to help you thru life, 4 arrows pointing in 4 directions
( You have universal wisdom already within you,
I can assist you to R E M E M B E R )
+ Psychic Reading (with cards, angels, astrology)
by phone - online - by audio email,
Psychic Readings, Angel Readings, Card Readings, Astrology Readings, gree wording on clouds' backgroundLive Psychic Readings, Answers, Help, Insights, Daily & Worldwide by phone or via Skype, wording on cloudsPsychic Card Readings by email (MP3 audio recording), wording on rainbow over the sea
+ Answers to your questions,
about past, present & future

+ Claircognizance (= psychic knowing),
+ Intuitive Reading

Life Purpose Reading thru Soul Purpose Consultations,
decoding your Life Purpose & Life Lessons,

Soul Purpose Consultations: to walk in tune with your soul's purpose, to live with inner peace, to live a happy and abundant life, to be and get inspired daily, wording on clouds' background
+ Past Life Insights without any Hypnosis nor Regression
(it's not needed)
Past Life Insights Karmic Insights, wording on old , sepia photographs of people
+ Karma Reading & Past Life Reading,
Figure walking into a  vortex in the sky
+ And with Past Lives & Soul Purpose =
Akashic Record Readings

Trauma Healing,
Spiritual Guidance,
+ Decision Help
TimeForTalking.com + Your Spiritual Mentor for your Body, Mind & Soul + Have something to decide & not sure which road to take? I can inform you what lies ahead of you on both roads so you can make an informed decision and prepare yourself accordingly , too. + Answers + Insights + Guidance + Spiritual Growth +  awaits you
+ Angel Reading & Angel Messages,
sleeping angel over an open book
+ Love Astrology & Compatibility Checks (= Wedding Gifts)
two hearts intertwined in a heart shaped boxwedding couple with red and white bouquet
Evolutionary Astrology, Astrology Readings,
+ Birth Time Rectification
Astrological Insights for you and your life, wording on astrology planetary symbols
+ Child Astrology for Parent Coaching,
Parent Coaching - to assist your children on their unique paths, wording on a photo of  man walking with a toddler
+ Chakra healing,
+ Learn about your spirit guides in the animal kingdom:
+ spirit - totem - power animals, +
Holistic Coaching,
Holistic Coaching to  look into your future, insights into your past lives, inner peace, a happy life, healing from traumas, inspirtation, wording written on a cartoon sign post
+ Psychic Counselling (also with EFT),

Psychotherapy (also with EFT),
+ Holistic Talk Therapy (also with EFT)
+ Talk Therapy for you + holistic coaching (=psychoclogical & spiritual)  Confidential, solution oriented, helpful, + Get inspired +

Also offering:

+ Card Reading Seminars,
TimeForTalking presents: Card Reading Seminars for Lenormand Cards & Pendulum Dowsing + any location worldwide+ , picturing  4 lenormand cards
+ One-to-one Psychic Tuition,
+ Magical/Psychic (Card Reading) Party Bookings
for any event,
Magial / Psychic Party / Event / Dinner Bookings, sample cards

+ Free Psychic Readings,
+ Written Astrology Reports / Horoscopes,
+ Written Numerological Interpretations,
+ Crystal guides/ebooks,
+ Angel Literature,
+ Spiritual ebooks,
+ Lenormand Card Decks
Sample cards 'fox','key' of TimeForTalking Lenormand Photo Edition, Copyright © 2010 Eva M April aka TFT aka TimeForTalking Sample cards 'moon','birds' of TimeForTalking Lenormand Photo Edition, Copyright © 2010 Eva M April aka TFT aka TimeForTalking

+ Free Gifts,
+ Spiritual Podcast,

+ Spiritual Blog

+ Answers + Help + Guidance + Inspiration + Solutions + Spiritual Growth + Awakening +
Soul Purpose + Life's Mission await you.

Navigating through this site is easy,
just use the buttons at the top & the bottom of each page.

As all of my work always comes down to a form of
+ Spiritual Mentoring & Holistic Coaching +
but on the individual pages of this web page,
you'll find specific information
to each modality/method available as well.

Should you have any queries,
then contact me here via the chat box on the bottom right,
or on the contact page.

For placing a booking
and to view short summaries of all services,
visit our shop

+++ Receiving a consultation is as easy as saying 1-2-3 !
1- Book a time package in the shop.
Agree your appointment time.
3- Enjoy the insights & rather life changing guidance.
= Done ! +++




I look forward to assisting you soon as well.
With white light from
TimeForTalking (TFT) aka Eva aka Amaris

Should you prefer an audio summary
of all our products & services,
then listen here:


For decades I've been helping people worldwide as a lightworker on their paths,
with their questions and their challenges,
assisting them to improve their lives and wellbeing and so much more.
Apart from a spiritual mentor/coach/psychic reader/evolutionary astrologer,
I am also a qualified & experienced psychologist and holistic talk therapist.
So with me, always using a combination of various tools, you do get 5+ services for 1 !!

You might be looking for:
Psychic Readings - Angel Readings - Card Readings - Astrology Readings - Love Compatibility Checks -
Soul Purpose Readings - Intuitive Readings - Akashic Record Readings - Past Life Insights -
Chakra Healing - Spirit Guides in the Animal Kingdom (Spirit, Totem, Power Animals) -
Counselling - Talk Therapy - Holistic Psychotherapy (also available with EFT tapping) -
Spiritual Insights - Spiritual Guidance - Birth Time Rectification - Love Astrology, etc.;
I can combine all of those and much more.

To read more about my path, click here.


To find out what makes our services so absolutely unique, read this: part 1 & part 2 .



Our gift to you:
How to find your soulmate and have a happy relationship?

In our video we reveal the top 4 hidden secrets
for finding your soulmate and being happy together.

Just fill-in the form in the bottom right corner,
mentioning which gift you like to receive.

Below there is also a 2nd gift waiting for you.
  • You ask yourself or seek something like the following?
  • You seek answers to questions?
  • You need some guidance (spiritual, concerning your mind, body, and soul or psychological)?
  • You need help with a situation/challenge/trauma in your life?
  • You like to hear from (your) angels?
  • You wonder what reasons are behind your challenges you face?
  • You like to understand your past, presen & future?
  • You like to know about your past lives?
  • You like to get insights into my future?
  • How can I change a situation in my life?
  • You are looking for inspiration, help, spiritual & past life, karmic insights, personal development, wellbeing, understanding, more awareness?
  • You are interested in one or all of: spirituality, angels, card readings, astrology, numerology, crystals, chakras, karma, past lives, holistic living, body mind soul development, laws of the Universe, energy work, the Moses Code, psychology, becoming a psychic reader or card reader yourself?
  • Here at TimeForTalking I can help you with all listed on this site, and much more.
  • Basically whatever situation you are in and whatever help you require or whatever question you have, I can help you thru my Spiritual Mentoring; using tools like: psychic readings, with cards, angels, evolutionary astrology, claircognizance = psychic knowing, counselling, psychological help through life coaching, or even with one or my written services: astrology reports, horoscopes, numerological interpretations, crystal and chakra guides, some angelic literature or my unique 3 lenormand card decks, seminars etc..
  • With this site, you have found now the solution to any situation/question/issue
    and I am happy and qualified to assist you - improving your awareness, wellbein, life experience & more.

  • I look forward to assisting you soon as well


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Another gift for you:
Access to our proven formula to true happiness:
How to be happy in an instant
It includes a free angel message for you, too.

Just fill-in the form in the bottom right corner,
mentioning which gift you like to receive.

Holistic (Self) Help - Psychic Readings - Angels - Astrology - Healing

  • (Self)-Help to change your life for the better.
  • Answers to all of your questions (past, present, future), Soul's task, Life task, Karma etc..
  • Help with any Challenge:
    Trauma, Anxiety, Grief, Eating Disorders, OCD, Depression, Panic Attacks, Crises
    or anything else.
  • Help for any situation you are in, or any challenge you face or have faced in your life, or any question you might have.

Mental Health - Healing - Wellbeing - Insights - Happiness - Success -
Awareness - Alignment with your Soul - Conscious Living -
Answers - inner Peace - EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping) -
- and much more awaits you.

No matter how painful your past has been,
you can always (out of your own free will) start afresh.
Insights from above, photo of light shining through trees in a wooded area.
Always remember: any situation can always be improved.
TimeForTalking can help and support you all the way through.
Make the first step and get in touch today.


"I am so pleased to have found Eva 's services via the internet, she is a gifted counsellor and psychic who works with intelligence, intuition and empathy, and provides real insight for her clients as well as strategies to people who need guidance in challenging situations . She has not only given me real hope but also a sense of direction and is the first psychic to have been able to put my mind at rest and to allow me to let go of my frustations and anxieties and put me on the right path."
"I can absolutely recommend Eva (TimeForTalking). She is really professional, the details in the psychic reading were 'simply pouring out of her'. Rather accurate details, too. I am truly happy to have found Eva's readings! Straight away I felt at the right place and in very good hands. This refers to the booking itself as to the reading as well. During my psychic reading I really loved the fact that Eva just talked, I could listen to the information pouring out of her.
Many, many thanks Eva!!

You find further feedback on here.


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TimeForTalking can help you too.

You can awake your true self and your hidden talents.

Awareness is the first step for any healing or change.

** Your life will not improve by chance, but always only through your active change.**
Embrace your true and wonderful Self with our holistic services
and be taught life changing and life improving self-help.

Showing you:
- how to improve your life,
- how to find inner peace,
and live a life in total bliss,
- how to become stronger (mentally, spiritually and physically),
- how to deal & live with as well as heal past and present challenges
and traumatic experiences,
- how to find true happiness, success, abundance, love
but also holistic health and wellbeing in all areas of your life,
incorporating always your body, mind and soul
and much more.


All of my work is a form of
+ spiritual mentoring. +
As I am using various
+ holistic methods & psychic modalities & tools.+
thus my help and insight is avaible for
+ any situation. +

You may call it one of the following,
or be looking for one of the following:

We offer the following products,
& the following services with our holistic mentoring & coaching:



* Spiritual/Psychic Consultations
(using all available tools & modalities)

* Psychic Readings
(individually centred, solution orientated & compassionate,
answers to your questions)

* Card Readings
(competent, helpful, accurate, insights about past, present & future)

* Angel Readings
(angels are always trying to get through to you & they have special messages for you)

* Soul Purpose Consultations
(showing you how to
walk in tune with your soul)

* Past Life Insights
(learn about your Past Livesl)

* Party Bookings/Referrals
(host your own Mystic Party & receive a psychic reading for FREE; or make
a bulk referral & receive a psychic reading for FREE.)

* Numerology Interpretations
(find out your or your child's true personality, purpose, gifts in life, with a interpretation of the personality
- life path - wisdom number)

*The Secret of Life
(free video for you)

*Free Gifts
(more free gifts for you)

*Free Readings
(see Party Bookings
& Referral Bookings)

* VIP Spiritual Mentoring & Coaching
= our main service
(incorporates all the modalities on this page)
but only with our longer consultation programs

* VIP Soul Coaching/Soul Purpose Consultations,
for you to walk in tune with your soul's plans & intentions for this incarnation:

* Past Life Readings
- learn all about the WHAT, the WHY, the WHO & the HOW
of everything & everyone in your current life
- establish a Past Life Timeline of your important lives
= all without any need for hypnosis nor regression,
by using a unique method, which I can also teach you.

* Integrated / Holistic Counselling & Spiritual Life Coaching
(for Body - Mind - Soul - Talk Therapy with EFT)
(Get empowered and inspired with Eva's spiritual and holistic coaching.
+ Here to assist you through any situation in your life.+
It can enable you to live a happy life again, let Eva show you the way to your wellbeing.)

*Psychic Counselling
(Self-help counselling, intuitive counselling, inspired guidance)

* Talk Therapy (holistic & psychological Counselling with EFT
& Life Coaching & Self-Improvement Coaching)

(Get talking to us - it really works.
Why waste even more time trying to overcome any difficult times
on your own? + Let us assist you +

* Decision Help
(Informing you about outcomes of all options.
With having all the facts about all paths of your decision process,
you can make an informed decision & prepare yourself, too.)

*Astrology Readings
(Answering your personal questions on all areas like for example: *child astrology, *work/career astrology, *karma/past life astrology as well as*love/relationship astrology,
all in one-to-one readings or email readings.)

*Birth Time Rectification
(Don't know your exact birth time? No problem.)

*Parent Coaching with the aid of child astrology
(Helping parents to assist their children on their paths,
in a fully tailored way, according to the child's needs & requirements)

*Astrological Analyses- Horoscopes

All make great presents for anniversaries, birthdays, christenings, Xmas...
With a unique analysis of your natal chart & synastry chart for example, you can:
*find out your or your child's true potential in life*
*check your compatibility with partners, friends, family, children, siblings*
*know your child's abilities, traits & strong points right from the start,*
so you can focus on certain areas for the best education and much more

Unique astrological interpretations of your transit chart or progression chart show:
*how the current planetary constellations influence your birth chart,
therefore showing your current situation due to planetary influences.

*how the planets of your birth chart have changed over time,
therefore showing how you have developed over time.

*Evolutionary Astrology
Evolutionary astrology gives great insights about your current, past and future lives.
Find out your soul's intentions, past lives, karma, life's purpose and much more.
Whenever astrology is used in a consultations, it'll be evolutionary astrology for your benefit.



*Learn about:

*Your Spirit Animals: Spirit - Totem - Power Animals


*Chakra Healing
(for either, just book
a consultation for this)

* TFT's very own books
(Messages from the
Spiritual Realms,
Lenormand ebooks,
& other literature)

* TFT's very own decks of Lenormand Cards
(These 3 decks of Lenormand cards
have been created by Eva & are absolutely unique.)

* TFT's Seminars & Workshops & Tuition
Benefit from TFT's very own experience & learn how to become a psychic reader yourself, using cards, angels, astrology etc..

* Crystal & Chakra Guides
How to use crystals - gemstones
crystal guides:
*how to purify crystals,
*how to use chakra stones.

* Spiritual Blog
Metaphysical Blog with a huge archive on spiritual topics.

* Spiritual Podcasts
Let's Talk Spirituality &
Holistic Guidance For You
through our insightful podcasts
(video & audio ones)

In all offered services you will also always benefit from my claircognizance (= psychic knowing) of course.

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No matter what you are trying to achieve... Always remember ... Even the most difficult or long journey, always only starts with a very first step. Take this step today, contact us and improve your life. Photo with footsteps in the sand.

Take this first step now and contact us today or book a time package for your private session straight away.


  • In Spiritual Mentoring, Psychic Readings or Holistic Counselling,
    I will provide you with the answers to your questions.
    I receive the answers through the cards, the angelic realms,
    as well as through my claircognizance = psychic knowing.
    This means that I will be guided to tell you exactly what is important to you and your questions and your situation
    - receiving my messages through my thoughts (= claircognizance).
    Thus you can be sure that the things I point out, are 100%
    relevant to you and inspired from above.
  • The main card deck I use are the Lenormand cards. But I also follow my intuition in using my other divination tools like: other card decks (Oracle cards, Angel of Light cards, Archangel cards, Kipper cards, Gypsy Fortune Telling cards, Triangle of Life cards, water crystal cards), also the pendulum.
  • If interested I can also have a look at the astrological charts of people involved, to give you an even deeper understanding for your question/person you ask about.

  • My knowledge and experience of various holistic fields of knowledge always comes through as well. It is kind of intertwined in my readings at all times.
    These holistic areas are for example:
    Angels, Karma, Universal Laws, Astrology, Past LIfe Insights, Reincarnation, Chakra & Crystal work, Water Crystals, spiritual living, energy work, Moses Code, holistic Psychology (=classical & spiritual - for your body, mind & soul) & more.
  • Because of all of the above, my answers are always complex, insightful and often touching rather deep levels of the client's being.
    In a reading with me you will never just receive a 'yes' / 'no' answer,
    with which you and your situation aren't helped.
  • General pointer on conducting readings without seeing the client:

+ You might wonder (though it's more and more known nowadays)
how I can provide a psychic reading for you without seeing you?

The answer is: 'Without any problem at all
& much more accurately.'
It is a known fact that psychic readings by phone/Skype/Vsee are much more accurate than face-to-face readings.
As during a reading where I don't see the client, I do not have any distractions and can therefore focus on my psychic gifts much more accurately. This means that I am not receiving any 'human impressions' of the person's expressions, gestures, outfit, body language etc.

Thus such reading will be better for clients due to the answers being the real answers to their question/s.

+ And the client doesn't need to see me either, as during a reading the person needs to relax, concentrate on the questions and their answers only, rather than focusing on what the reader looks like ;-).

So only advantages for a reading:
more accurate, more convenient, cheaper

(as there is never any travelling involved.)

  • Readings by phone: I might even call you. In case this isn't possible,
    either you can call us ( we have diff. numbers available), or have your
  • Readings via Skype/Vsee: mean no phone charges for you and sound quality is usually crystal clear. Plus you can record the reading, for you to keep it as an audio/MP3 file. Via Vsee the reading would even be 100% encrypted.
  • Readings by email: for a psychic reading this will be the recording of my voice conducting a live reading, emailed to you as an audio file (MP3) recording. We also have email in a written text format.

Whenever you are ready to place your booking, simply go to our shop.

*^ Explaining the Skype & Zoom alternative:

Confidentiality in all our readings is of an utmost importance.

That is why for our online readings
we also offer a highly recommended alternative
to using Skype.
Vsee offers a 100% end-to-end encrypted online calling service
on a telemedicine platform
which medical doctors use worldwide
to see and talk to and treat their patients.
(& this automatically without having to alter
any settings like in Zoom, and which is not available in Skype),

Unlike Skype or Zoom,
Vsee does NOT record NOR store your communications.

Also Vsee uses only 50% of the bandwidth of Skype
& much less than Zoom at the same video and call quality.

Also unlike Skype or Zoom,
Vsee does NOT require any installation,
as it's a no-install calling client and it's also a rather lightweight client.
Simply run the Vsee.exe.

Thus only advantages for you & your appointments.



Would you like to be kept updated with our spiritiual insights,
as well as free schools
(astrology, card reading, moon) and hear of unique and special offers?

You will automatically be included into our free raffle, too.

Free access, here

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Read our Mission Statement , personal background & testimonials from some clients.

What is special about TimeForTalking Guidance Services ?

*We offer individually centred, caring, confidential guidance services.
By using a holistic & spiritual approach to life, we can assist our clients in a tailor-made unique way. Everyone is welcome and every situation will be taken seriously.
*At the same time we are proud to be one of the most reliable and efficient working company for those services around.
*Being an international online company with virtual offices in each country
(& offering our services worldwide), working with emails 24/7,
we are always here for you, wherever you are and whenever this may be.
*This means that appointments for readings & services can be booked & arranged everyday of the year, 7 days/week, but also take place daily, i.e. also on weekends, bank holidays; during daytime as well as evenings.
Now that's rather unique!

*All our services are totally confidential,
offered to you in a caring, professional, solution-oriented, empowering way.
*Readings and services can be booked, arranged as well as take place
every day of the year, 24/7, i.e. during daytime as well as evening times,
Mondays to Sundays, and also on bank holidays.
*Clients also value how extremely flexible TFT is, when it comes to getting an appointment. As she really goes out of her way,
to accommodate clients' time schedules.
*You always get a 2+ for 1 service, with some bookings a 4+ for 1 service,
but for others (spiritual mentoring etc.) even our absolutely unique 5+ for 1 service.

*Emails are read and responded to also daily, every day of the year.
*TimeForTalking is absolutely unique indeed.
Your health, wellbeing & life experience will profit
from TFT's quality expertise and her vast experience.

Still not convinced?
Here are the main points explaining

what makes our services rather unique & of such high quality
  • live consultations daily
    Mondays to Sundays, also on public bank holidays
  • all consultations available worldwide
    no matter where you are, readings are provided by phone, via Skype/Vsee or email
  • no waiting lists
    consultations are provided by appointments, but TFT does her utmost
    to accommodate clients' time schedules in a rather flexible way.
    She basically goes out of her way, to always aim for and ensure,
    that you never have to wait long for your actual appointment,
    as she works according to your requirements.
  • reduced prices for first-time buyers
    to get to know our extreme high quality service,
    as a first-time buyer you are entitled to try our consultations at a reduced rate.
  • no additional charges for appointments outside of usual working hours
    although you can have your consultation/psychic reading
    daily and at any time, we are not charging you any additional fee when your appointment
    is chosen for evening times or on a weekend or even a bank holiday etc..
Details on our 2 for 1 and 3 for 1 and 4 for 1 and 5+ for 1 services
  • You always only pay your booked time package.
    TFT's preparation times (before and after the appointment) are not charged and so always free for you.
    = So you always get a 2 for 1 service,
    i.e. 1) your appointment plus for free 2) TFT's preparation times (before and after the reading)

  • When astrology is incorporated in readings = You even get a 3 for 1 service,
    i.e. 1) your appointment plus for free 2) TFT's preparation times (before and after the reading)
    plus for free
    3) the pre-appointment astrological calculations/interpretation work

  • With psychological counselling = You also get a 3 for 1 service,
    i.e. 1) your appointment plus for free 2) TFT's preparation times (before and after the counselling)
    plus for free
    3) the creation of a tailor-made program for your individual needs & requirements.

  • With holistic counselling/Talk Therapy = You even get a 4 for 1 service,
    i.e. 1) your appointment plus for free 2) TFT's preparation times (before and after the counselling)
    plus for free
    3) the pre-appointment astrological calculations/interpretation work
    plus for free
    4) the creation of a tailor-made program for your individual needs & requirements.

  • With holistic mentoring/coaching & all longer consultation programs = You get it all, i.e. 5+ for 1 service,
    i.e. 1) your appointment plus for free 2) TFT's preparation times (before and after the consultation)
    plus for free
    3) the pre-appointment astrological calculations/interpretation work
    plus for free
    4) the creation of a tailor-made program for your individual needs & requirements,
    plus for free 5) claircognizance (=psychic knowing), astrology, card readings, angel contact,
    past life, soul & karmic insights, trauma healing, chakra healing, crystal advice, numerology & much more.
    (So actually, this is a 5+ for 1 service for you!)
  • no phone costs for you
    Sometimes we might be able to call you, but even if this isn't possible,
    you can always choose between different numbers to call TFT,
    or the reading is provided to you via Skype or even fully encrypted via Vsee,
    both always free to us with no phone charges at all.
  • all readings are always
    confidential, friendly, caring, inspiring, insightful, honest, professional, solution-oriented & empowering;
    and at all times, fully in alignment with the messages TFT receives for you from above/the Divine/Angels!.
  • outstanding & unique pre- and after- sales' support
    many psychic readers and premium rate psychics' hotlines
    will easily take your money, but in a non-spiritual way, only care about this and after a rather short reading,
    will leave you with your 'situation' alone, so to speak. With us this is different,

    - even before your reading, TFT's personal attention to your booking is already caring and inspiring.
    - Then the reading is a uplifting and empowering experience on its own.
    - But even after your reading, TFT will contact you again about your reading.
    - If you are interested you can also get updated with our monthly news,
    that include free inspiration, often with a free school (on card reading, astrology or the moon),
    as well as exclusive offers.
    But even your birthday & annual festive dates won't be forgotten either,
    as TFT is always remembering to keep in touch in a very caring way.

  • 'real' & always helpful psychic guidance and advice
    our live psychic readings are full of real, practical guidance for you and your specific life and situation,
    always including practical exercises/applications for your daily life.
    With this really making an everlasting impact onto you and your life.
  • customer-friendly loyalty bonus program
    to give you even a little bit more, once again, our loyalty bonus program
    ensures that your purchase with us is always used well for free gifts and readings alike.
  • even offering free psychic card readings
    when placing a psychic card reading party booking (Mystic/Magical Party)
    or simply referring your friends to our services,
    those will entitle you to a free psychic reading - see service details.



Not entirely sure whether any of our services or products
would be right and beneficial for you?
Then do get in touch**
so that TimeForTalking can explain to you personally
how she can help you in your specific situation or with your specific questions,
and how this will change your life to the better, too.

(**You can get in touch via the message box, at the bottom right corner of this page.)

And don't worry we are not using any AI, so you'll always only be hearing back from a real person.


Using all of the following modalities:


Dutch flag

data protection declaration


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© copyright 1996 - present: TimeForTalking. All rights reserved.