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today many people believe astrology goes only as far as reading
the weekly horoscope in a magazine. Having found that those predictions
are all far too general people tend to associate astrology with
a negative touch or only the star sign (sign of the zodiac) they
are, or were born in.
from the truth as the sign, we talk about as our star sign happens
to be only the sign the sun was in at our time of birth.
Hence its proper name should be used more: sun sign,
i.e. the sign one planet (the sun) was in only.
talk about a horoscope when talking about the exact position of
the planets at the moment and location of our birth. Putting all
the planets and signs into their glyphs (symbolic representation)
we end up with our horoscope or birth chart.
(Horoscope - from ancient Greek =watch & record time)
our birth charts are totally unique to us, as our exact time of
birth and the place of birth together with the exact location,
shows the planets at exact that time and place.
such a horoscope people tend to be surprised to see, that they
will have planets in almost all of the signs of the zodiac.
Hence someone telling people their star sign is Taurus for example,
might be surprised to learn, that they have many planets in a
totally different sign, therefore showing quite different characteristics
in their personality and persona than a typical Taurus.

to top
*the signs - (show how we
will direct & use the relevant planetary motivation)
(Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces)
*the ascendant -(the "you"
the outside world perceives)
*the houses - (show in which
area of life the planetary motivation will be manifested) (1st
- 12th house)
*the planets - (represent
our motivation)
(Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto -to name the main ones
*the aspects (these
are geometrical angles between planets:
conjunction, square, opposition -to name a few)
the Ascendant, which also represents the style
in which we meet life in general, our personality
that we never thought of.
to top
movements of the planets above
- The
Earth orbits
the Sun in about 362.25 days (1 year).
- The
Moon orbits
the Earth in about 27.32 days (about a month)
-staying in each sign just under two & a quarter days.
- Mercury
the Sun in 88 days.
- Venus
orbits the Sun in 225 days,
-in any given chart Venus is always either in the same sign
as the Sun,
or only one/two signs away.
- Mars
orbits the Sun in 1 year & 10.5 months.
- Jupiter
orbits the Sun in 12 years, -staying in one sign for 1 year.
- Saturn
orbits the Sun in 29 years, - staying in one sign for about
2.5 years.
- Uranus
orbits the Sun in 84 years, - staying in one sign for 7 years.
- Neptune
orbits the Sun in 165 year, - staying 14 years in one sign.
- Pluto
orbits the Sun in 246 years.

planets in actual universal alignment up above

to top
Astrology (eastern)
is the Year of the Snake,
starting on 29th January, the Chinese New Year!
Snake year is all about shedding the old and so 2025 will be all
about renewal and regeneration.
some details on what Chinese astrology deals with:
animal signs
(rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake,
horse, sheep/goat, monkey, rooster, dog, pig)
They represent one year of a 12 yearly cycle, hence you find your
individual animal sign,
by looking at the year you were born.
*5 elements (wood,
fire, earth, metal, water)
*Yin & Yang polarities
(i.e. feminine - receptive; association with water, night, moon
masculine - active; association with fire, day, sun)
*the ascendant &
*the moon sign
Chinese astrology there is usually a great emphasis
around the interactions of moon and sun.
hour of birth brings in other animals' characteristics,
painting an individual, complex picture of ourselves.
to top
for Astrology/Star Crystals:
is a very complex science and
crystals can also be used here
to encourge certain qualities.
talking about Star Crystals
three major stones are referred to:
- the
sun sign crystal
(it's your birth stone,
referring to your sign of the zodiac
your sun was in at your birth)
- the
ruling crystal,
referring to the ruling planet of your Sun sign.
- the
moon crystal,
referring to the zodiacal sign in your birth chart, the moon
lies in.
the right you will see a list of signs of the zodiac with their
connected stones:
Birth stone:Diamond
Ruling stone: Ruby (Mars)
Moon stone: White Marble
Birth stone: Amber
Ruling stone: Emerald (Venus)
Moon stone: Desert Rose
Birth stone: Citrine
Ruling stone: Double Terminator, Rock Crystal (Mercury)
Moon stone: Apophyllite
Birth stone: Pearl
Ruling stone: Moonstone (Moon)
Moon metal: Silver
Birth metal: Gold
Birth stone: Golden Topaz
Ruling stone: Tiger's Eye (Sun)
Moon stone: Diamond
Birth stone: Jade
Ruling stone: Rock Crystal Egg (Mercury)
Moon stone: Stilbite, Milky Quartz
Birth stone: Opal
Ruling stone: Chrysoprase (Venus)
Moon stone: Selenite
Birth stone: Golden Beryl, Aquamarine
Ruling stone: Serpentine (Pluto)
Moon stone: White Opal
Birth stone: Rutilated Quartz, Turquoise
Ruling stone: Sapphire (Jupiter)
Moon stone: White Calcite
Birth stone: Yellow Jasper, Garnet
Ruling stone: Jet (Saturn)
Moon stone: White Chalcedony
Birth stone: Brown Zircon, Sugilite
Ruling stone: Kunzite (Uranus)
Moon stone: Optical Calcite
Birth stone:Amethyst
Ruling stone: Black Opal (Neptune)
Moon stone: White Aragonite
to top
of Celebrities & Famous People
February, March, April,
May, June,
July, August, September,
October, November, December
- 3rd
January 1892 = J. R. R. Tolkien,
British writer
- 4th
January 1785 = Jakob Grimm,
German Linguist & collector of fairy tales
- 8th
January 1935 = Elvis Presley,
American musician
- 16th
January 1932 = Dian Fossey,
American chimpanzee researcher
- 21st
January 1905 = Christian Dior,
French fashion designer
- 26th
January 1925 = Paul Newman,
American actor
- 27th
January 1756 = Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austrian composer
- 30th
January 1937 = Vanessa Redgrave, British actress


to Index (Months)
- 1st
March 1810 = Frederic Chopin,
Polish composer
- 4th
March 1678 = Antonio Vivaldi,
Italian composer
- 6th
March 1475 = Michelangelo Buonarotti, Italian sculptor &
- 14th
March 1933 = Michael Caine,
British actor
- 21st
March 1685 = Johann Sebastian Bach, German composer
- 24th
March 1930 = Steve McQueen, American actor
- 26th
March 1911 = Tennessee Williams, American writer
- 27th
March 1845 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, German Physicist
- 30th
March 1853 = Vincent van Gogh,
Dutch painter
to top
3rd April 1924 = Marlon Brando,
American actor
April 1483 = Raphael, Italian painter
April 1928 = Hardy Krüger,
German actor
April 1921 = Sir Peter Ustinov,
British actor & writer
April 1808 = Napoleon,
French Emperor
April 1926 = Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England
April 1564 = Wilhelm Shakespeare, British writer & poet
April 1934 = Shirley Mac Laine, American actress
April 1452 = Leonardo da Vinci,
Italian painter & genius
to Index (Months)
- 6th
May 1856 = Sigmund Freud, Austrian medical doctor & founder
of the psychoanalysis
- 7th
May 1840 = Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski, Russian composer
- 10th
May 1899 = Fred Astaire,
American dancer & actor
- 11th
May 1904 = Salvador Dali, Spanish painter
- 21st
May 1471 = Albrecht Dürer, German painter
- 1st
June 1926 = Marilyn Monroe,
American actress & icon
- 3rd
June 1925 = Tony Curtis, American actor
- 8th
June 1810 = Robert Schumann,
German composer
- 11th
June 1864 = Richard Strauss,
German composer
- 14th
June 1969 = Steffi Graf,
German tennis player
- 16th
June 1890 = Stan Laurel,
American actor/comedian

- 9th
July 1956 = Tom Hanks, American actor
- 13th
July 1942 = Harrison Ford,
American actor
- 15th
July 1606 = Rembrandt van Rijn,
Dutch painter
- 26th
July 1856 = George Bernard Shaw,
Irish dramatist
- 8th
August 1937 = Dustin Hoffman,
American actor
- 9th
August 1963 = Whitney Houston, American singer
- 11th
August 1897 = Enid Blyton,
British children's novelist
- 13th
August 1899 = Alfred Hitchcock,
British film director
- 16th
August 1958 = Madonna,
American singer
- 23rd
August 1912 = Gene Kelly,
American actor & dancer
- 28th
August 1749 = Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet

to top
- 15th
September 1891 = Agatha Christie, British novelist
- 16th
September 1927 = Peter Falk, American actor
- 20th
September 1934 = Sophia Loren, Italian actress
- 28th
September 1934 = Brigitte Bardot, French actress & animal
rights' activist
- 1st
October 1935 = Julie Andrews, British actress & singer
- 8th
October 1949 = Sigourney Weaver, American actress
- 10th
October 1813 = Guiseppe Verdi, Italian composer (operas)
- 12th
October 1935 = Luciano Pava
British Actor
- 22nd
October 1811 = Franz Liszt, Hungarian composer
- 26th
October 1881 = Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter

November 1867 = Marie Curie,
Polish-French natural scientist
November 1909 = Katharine Hepburn, American actress
November 1821 = Fjodor Dostojewski, Russian writer
November 1840 = Claude Monet,
French painter
November 1738 = Wilhelm Herschel, German-British Astronomer,
discoverer of Uranus
November 1962 = Jodie Foster,
American actress & film director
November 1694 = Voltaire,
French writer & Philosopher
November 1939 = Tina Turner,
American musician
November 1835 = Mark Twain,
American writer
- 1st
December 1935 = Woody Allan,
American actor & film director
- 5th
December 1901 = Walt Disney,
American Cartoon producer
- 11th
December 1843 = Robert Koch,
German medical doctor & bacteriologist
- 12th
December 1915 = Frank Sinatra,
American singer & entertainer
- 13th
December 1915 = Curd Jürgens,
German actor
- 14th
December 1503 = Nostradamus,
French astrologist & fortune teller
- 16th
December 1775 = Jane Austen,
British novelist
- 17th
December 1770 Ludwig van Beethoven, German composer
- 18th
December 1947 = Steven Spielberg, American film director and
- 27th
December 1901 = Marlene Dietrich, German actress

to top
are Transits / Transit Charts?
are the actual day-by-day and
hour-by-hour movements
of the planets through the zodiac.
natal charts being snapshots of a moment in time (our birth),
and the transiting planets
(current planetary constellations in the sky),
relate to that moment in time.
Which is how the transit chart is drawn up.
- Most
astrologists will be using transit charts to see
how the current planetary constellations influence your birth
chart, therefore showing your current situation due to
planetary influences.
are Progressions / Progressed Charts?
- Progressions
sometimes known as directions, are based on symbolic movements
of the planets. The most commonly used type of progression
is the secondary progression, popularly known as
'Day for a Year' progression.
- Here
each day of life is regarded as equivalent to one year of
Hence the progression chart is drawn up accordingly.
- Using
progressed charts instead of transits would be a personal
choice, mostly progressions are used in addition to a transit
for a broader picture.
to top

offer this astrological, advanced natal report.
read a sample AstroTalk report
-for Jennifer Aniston - click here.
-for Brad Pitt - click here.
-for Dwayne -the Rock- Johnson- click here.
-for Matthew McConaughey - click here.
- for Oprah Winfrey - click here.
- for Leonardo
Di Caprio
- click here.

offer this astrological, relationship profile.
read a sample
Friends' & Lovers' report
-for Prince Harry & Meghan (formerly Markle) the Duke and
Duchess of Sussex - click here.
-for Catherine Zeta Jones & Michael Douglas -click here.
- for Prince William & Catherine (formerly known as Kate
Middleton)/ the Prince and Princess of Wales. - click
read a sample Transit report - for Jennifer Garner - click here.